In the previous blog we looked at the pressure dogs can feel from the ways we show them affection. What we view as us showing our love for them can be downright unpleasant for dogs. Please check out the previous blog here: PettingDogs This time we are going to take this further and look at how we can check with our dogs if they want affection from us at any given time. This is known as 'consent testing' . “ Hold on, we have to get our dog's consent to pet them?!” Well, yes, if you want your dog to enjoy the petting it has to be when they feel like it. First of all, here are just some examples of when they may NOT feel like it: If your dog is engaging in some interesting activity of their own – sniffing about, watching someone through the window, playing with a toy, eating their food, etc. – Forget it! They won't want you petting them. If a dog is resting or sleeping– Leave them be. A word on the word 'Petting' When we are using the word 'petting...
"Other Nations" is a quotation from a passage of writing by author Henry Beston, describing animals.